For the past 19 years, Plymouth DEE has worked to restore and promote fish passage and migration throughout Town Brook. Here are just a few of the many projects completed over this 19 year period.
Brewster Gardens Restoration- 2004 & 2015
This project consisted of lowering the weir, cutting a V- notch, constructing gravel bar, riffle and riparian wetland. This work was crucial in permitting park improvements in the future.
Plymco Dam removal/restoration- 2015
With the removal of the Plymco Dam and old mill building, habitat conditions were improved for fisheries and wildlife species found throughout Town Brook.
Construction will be completed in Summer of 2019
Holmes Dam Removal & Restoration- 2019
This high hazard dam removal would consist of implementing a rock ramp, riffles and pools in order to enhance fish passage and migration to Billington. Significant park and trail improvement will also be completed as part of this project. Click here to see more photos of the Holmes Dam Removal Project.
Uploaded by Milone & MacBroom, Inc.
For a more in-depth look at the restoration of Town Brook, visit NOAA’s Town Brook Story Map “Swimming Upstream”!